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Raising Kids

27 Jul 2015
Raising Kids

With the myriad of self-adoring platforms available through the Internet it is now more imperative than ever that we set our children up with a foundation on which they love and respect and believe in who they are and what they can do.

Over my 27+ years of motherhood I have had to deal with a variety of very interesting scenarios and as any parent knows, with your children it is a lot harder to deal with these challenges as there’s this huge emotional component that comes into play.

Often you have to exercise ‘tough love’ with your kids and this is all about setting up their life values. My goal was and continues to be to provide a platform of encouragement, values and assistance with the core decision-making processes for Edward and Sam. It’s never been about ensuring they have all their needs met, especially the financial ones but more about giving them the tools they need to be the very best they can be, while respecting those that surround them.

Here are 10 of my greatest lessons for ensuring your children live a life they love:


Lesson One: Life isn’t fair

There is no point coveting a life that is not yours. Learn to live with the life you have been given and if you desire more, go out and make it happen.

Lesson Two: Giving your time is always better than giving material things

The world does not revolve around you. Ensure they make time for the people that wrap around and support you.

Lesson Three: Live by the golden rule

A great attitude, manners, respect for others and celebrating the differences in humanity will open so many doors, but so often these essentials are missing from people’s behaviours.

Lesson Four: Never give up

The ‘no limits’ approach that you have as a child needs to always remain. When is it that we develop a fear of failing? Believe anything is possible, always follow your dreams and apply a can-do mantra to the life you live.

Lesson Five: Give more than you get

Learn to love to share. There is so much more joy is assisting others get to a destination than only looking out for yourself.

Lesson Six: Learn to manage your anger

A life free from anger is so healthy. When you feel your temper rising, walk away and breathe, take time out and say less (it is a lot more powerful). It’s okay to disagree with people but there are so many times when there is simply no point in creating unnecessary conflict. Save yourself and your words for the important battles… most aren’t!

Lesson Seven: Learn to defend yourself

Knowing how to protect yourself is crucial for our daughters as well as our sons. The world is full of people that may hurt you if they get the chance – physically and emotionally.

Lesson Eight: Knowledge and education will give you the choice to live whatever life you want

Aim to learn something new everyday. Never think you know it all. Remain a generalist until you specialise. Continue to put yourself in situations that challenge you.

Lesson Nine: Learn to cook

Enjoy great food, exercise often and trust your body to heal itself. A healthy mind and lifestyle is the key to happiness.

Lesson Ten: You are not me… and that is okay

As parents we have no expectations that you carry on the work that we have started or enjoy the same passions and pursuits that we do. It is important that you forge and live your own life. This is your life, your time… we are simply here to support you.

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