Find Your Wings

Fostering opportunity amongst the next generation of women entrepreneurs

During her incredible 25-year journey as a fashion designer, manufacturer and retailer, Annah Stretton has collected a life time of skills and knowledge about what it takes to run a successful team and a thriving business. Hard work, long hours, tenacity and courage are all vital parts of the formula for success, but so too are connections. We can all recall people that have crossed our paths, often at times of great challenge, and offered a word of advice or an insight into a different pathway forward. They're worth their weight in gold and the world needs more of them!

Find Your Wings is a small not-for-profit that has been set up by Annah Stretton to help prepare and connect the next generation of women entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs with the people that can that can help them to advance their dream.

Annah will personally work with successful applicants to refine their pitch and leverage her network to connect them with the right people. Not-for-Profit, Charitable and Commercial ventures are all eligible to apply to Find Your Wings.

To apply, simply complete the following application form.