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Lisa Rose Shares Her Work from Home Wardrobe

16 Mar 2021
Lisa Rose Shares Her Work from Home Wardrobe

If you’re a member of our Annah Stretton VIP group on Facebook, you probably recognise Lisa Rose. Over the last few months, as Auckland has gone in and out of lockdown, she has been sharing her impressive Annah Stretton wardrobe as she works from home, wearing a new outfit every day — and looking fabulous doing it!

We wanted to find out more about the woman behind the wardrobe! So, we spoke to Lisa about her inspiration to document her work from home wardrobe, and why she loves wearing Annah Stretton clothes.

Meet Lisa

Lisa has been an Annah Stretton devotee for a number of years. The mother of four (and bonus mum of two) was first introduced to the brand through a friend who wore a lot of AS clothes.

“It seemed every time I commented on something she was wearing, it was Annah Stretton!”

She started off gently, treating herself to the occasional top or sale purchase. Then, a couple of years ago, she won a session at our Newmarket store with some friends where she tried lots of clothes and realised how much she liked them!

With her tall frame (she’s 5’9” and size 16/XL) and self-confessed generous bust and broad shoulders, Lisa Rose says Annah Stretton clothes fit her really well and make her feel pretty. Over the years, she’s moved to paying a little more for her clothes and getting things that will last for years, and her wardrobe is now reflecting that.

For Lisa, one of the best things about wearing Annah Stretton is the versatility of the garments.

“I wear some things to the office with heels, and then to a BBQ with trainers or sandals,” said Lisa. “Or maybe it's the colours. Or the fit. Or the pockets. Or that I am buying local...”

While she doesn’t have a favourite piece — “it depends on my mood” — there are several pieces that are on regular rotation.

“One of my earliest purchases was a top which I have in both a green oriental print and a maroon. I still wear the green one almost every week! I love the Sugar Daddy, which was my birthday present to myself. It also has pockets! Madly Mertle makes me feel like a gypsy. And the Daisy DJ denim jacket, which is the jacket I didn't know I needed!”

Lisa's Work from Home Wardrobe

After the first nationwide COVID-19 lockdown, Stretton Clothing took the opportunity to reduce its prices for everyone feeling the financial pinch. Lisa credits this new everyday affordability as the catalyst that allowed her wardrobe to grow “quite a bit!”

Last August, Lisa began documenting her Annah Stretton wardrobe on social media, when Auckland went into Level 3. Her job in finance sees her managing a team of 18, so it was important that she was able to keep both herself and her team motivated as they began to work from home again.

“I found working from home much harder than it had been during the nationwide lockdown earlier in the year. I decided that if I dressed each day as if I was going into the office, it might help me get in the right headspace.”

The self-published novelist began posting her daily outfits “as a bit of fun,” thinking that she probably had enough outfits for a week. But things didn’t quite go as planned.

“We ended up in Level 3 for a couple of weeks and it turned out I had enough clothes for the whole lockdown. Even if some days I was a bit cold in a light summer frock — I was wearing tights and boots in all those winter photos!”

Encouraged by her sister and daughter (“their friends were all following my previous posts”), Lisa started posting her outfits again. While it started off as a bit of “silly fun for myself”, it has really resonated with her friends and family — and us at Annah Stretton, of course! Lisa says the response has been really positive.

“I’ve had friends and family comment that they are waiting each day to see what I'm going to wear; that it's brightened up their day and that they love how much fun I am having with it!”

Lisa told us that her theme for this year is “finding the joy in the everyday.” Thank you, Lisa for bringing joy into our lives with your wonderful attitude… and wardrobe!

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